Creative Services at Kartel

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In an increasingly noisy digital landscape standing out can be difficult.

From official music videos through to mobile-optimised graphics for social media posts, content is the cornerstone on which engaging campaigns are constructed. Without videos, images, graphics, animations and all other forms of content - the marketing of music simply isn’t possible.

At Kartel we create and commission captivating bespoke content via our Creative Services team as well as our diverse network of creators. Our aim is to create integrated campaigns that take a holistic view of music marketing, where the creation of content feeds directly into elements such as organic social strategy and fuelling digital advertising initiatives.

We encourage you to think ‘content first’ when planning your releases. Before considering when you might want to release the music you’ve recorded, you need to have a plan for how you’re going to generate content to support it both pre- and post-release.

Lyric videos, track visualisers and Spotify Canvas videos are just a handful of the content types that can still be executed even where travel and working closely with others isn’t possible, and will continue to have increased prominence as many countries begin to ease restrictions in the coming weeks. We've included some examples below that we've delivered recently.

Get in touch with our Creative Services team if we can help you realise your creative vision.

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Spotify Canvas allows artists to add a three- to eight-second visual loop to any track, giving a whole new dimension to the music, and increase it's share-ability on social media.

It’s a great way to bring added attention to a new release or spark new interest in an older song, with some artists seeing as much as a 200% rise in engagement through the sharing of Spotify Canvas to platforms such as Instagram.

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KartelJono Das